Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here's more pictures from last Tuesday.....

......this guy and two of his friends were giving out Free Hugs...and shouldn't all hugs be free? :) No, it wasn't weird, just sweet and funny....people of all ages were hugging each other and giggling....I wish I could have gotten a pic of all of them but he was the only one I could get a clear shot of.....

....this is just a view of the Arch grounds...Kids in the Park....there were kids running in and out of the trees...chasing each other and just having a grand old time...I don't know how they can even move about that fast without collapsing from the heat.....

...this is a shot of the Capitol Building at Sunset.....the pic was actually kind of crappy cuz it was taken while walking and it just didn't turn out to be very interesting once I downloaded it to a computer...Photoshop to the rescue...I honestly don't know what filters and such I used.....I tried a bunch of different things before I came up with this......


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