Tuesday, December 18, 2007
While driving to work this morning, I took 44E, cuz with the 64/40 mess, it's actually easier for me to swing around downtown and up to UMSL, my school and work. (pretty convenient that way). For the last couple of months, they have been making improvements to the pavement and recently began restriping, uh....different lanes...because???? I have no idea what or why, but, you know, urban living and all that...I deal. BUT, and this is a big one (not to be confused with my butt, which is big too)um...shouldn't they, I don't know....FINISH the lanes before reopening them??!!!! Since I can't get a pic of this travesty, let me illustrate with a lovely drawing......
Ok, my photoshop drawing skills are not the best, but you get the idea. How is this ok? You literally lose your lane and have to quickly pick a new one going 60+mph and pray that there isn't another car that wants that lane too. HELLLLOOO!!!!! Seriously?
OMG, 44 restriping, DIE.