Monday, August 4, 2008

My Blogroll

I think I gave myself carpal tunnel with all the copying and pasting, but I now have a blogroll, which you can find on the left side of your screen. I visit all of these blogs and I also decided today to do away with my reader, because the blue number at the top of the screen telling me how many posts still needed to be read was stressing me out and making me feel guilty. (Neurotic much?) So, I put all of the links in my browser bookmarks and will visit everyone, but I won't know how much I'm missing if I get really busy and am away for a couple of days. (Saving my sanity is important here, is what I'm saying.) Please visit any blogs you aren't familiar with, and I will be adding more as I go through my BlogHer business cards. (Yes, I'm still not done with that, shuddup!)

Up next is a About me section for all the new visitors. (Regular readers! any suggestions for that?! I have more trouble describing myself than I do describing my blog!)

Also! If I've forgotten anyone for any reason, or you'd like to be added, please let me know and I will!


  1. Still Patrice said...
    oh wow! I cant believe you got rid of your reader!!! That's blasphemy for me LOL. I had to organize mine by tags and as long as I make it through my MUST reads then i'm okay. I can work through the rest on my own.

    But you have to do what works for you ! Now going scope out some new blogs
    Missy said...
    Argh, two things that are still on my to-do list. BlogHer left with me wayy too many blogs to read.
    Jason, as himself said...
    Yay! I'm still on your blogroll. And you're still on mine...I just updated, too.
    Anonymous said...
    SEEE...that's how I do it. Remember when we were at the baseball game and I said, "Reader? What is this reader you speak of and how do I use it?"...
    Well I never did use it..I just click up and down my favorites in my browswer..and days like today when I'll be in meetings half the day I only click on 5 or 6..then will come guilt.
    Rosemary/sonrie said...
    I am so glad I made it...someday I will get my 'official' blogroll finished, instead of just the post I had a month or two ago...

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