Monday, October 6, 2008

I've spent the last few months barefoot or in sandals, but it's time for socks again and pretty, pretty boots.


I have a weakness.


A weakness for bright colored socks, especially knee highs.


A relatively innocent weakness, I know, but a costly one.


Now I've added brightly colored tights to the mix.


I'm totally enamored of these.


So what's a silly thing you buy compulsively? Magazines? Books? CDs? Postcards? Gum? Cheese? This list is only going to get more ridiculous....;)


  1. Kennis said...
    Ok..first - I LOVE your socks!! I wish I had the legs to wear them, lol.
    Now, I compulsively buy pens and notebooks. My main problem when I move is packing up all my notebooks and then wondering where I'm going to put them all in the new place.
    Anonymous said...
    ooo...i love socks, too. i don't wear white ones. i don't compulsively buy anything, but if i did have the opportunity i would buy fabric or children's clothes.
    Anonymous said...
    I love socks..I don't have any knee hi's..where do you get yours?

    I have purses..WAY too many purses.
    Still Patrice said...
    I just bought a bunch from Target. I love knee socks. The brighter the colors the better :)

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