Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Google Search

I haven't really paid any attention to the referrers from my counter thing in a while, and on a whim decided to see what had brought some recent visitors to this page. 3 out of the last 10 were here for this...

They were doing a google search for Bitten, Sarah Jessica Parker, or Houndstooth coat with one or both. I love this coat. Pink puffy heart love it. I bought a hat, scarf, and glove set from Target to go with it and I'm stylin, for cheap. If you have a Steve and Barry's in your area, check it out. I bought my brother's Xmas gifts there a couple of days ago (he asked for novelty t-shirts, and they have tons 2/$15), and ended up leaving with a t-shirt for my grandma, stuff for my nephew, and a couple of baby things for my friend's little girl, Mela. I love this store, it makes my bargain loving heart happy. (my previous post about the Bittten line)


  1. Anonymous said...
    Where, oh where, is Steve and Barry's?? I LOVE this coat!

    ~I still get a ton of traffic from a Spinal Tap video I posted when I first started blogging. Weird.

    Rachel said...
    Forever 21 sort of replaced Steve and Barry's for me.

    And I've wanted a Hounds tooth coat for the longest time. *sigh*

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