My friend asked me to take pictures of her cousin's children at the BBQ and since I am the camera junky, I happily agreed. By the end of the afternoon, everyone was looking at me could have been the growth coming out of my face. ;)
These are some of my favorites that I brightened up a bit with photoshop, I finally getting the hang of sharpening the eyes. ;)
This is Taylor, the baby, and her baby. She is quite possibly the cutest thing ever.
This is Christi, another cousin, and Michael, one of the children I was trying to pin down. He wasn't exactly helpful. Cute, but not helpful. ;)
Taylor again. Remember what I said about the cutest thing ever?
Taylor and Michael, splashing
She's a ham, that one.
Her sister Chloe, having a swim
The oldest sibling, Riley
I had to specifically ask for a smile with teeth.
He was a good sport, though.
Chloe again
Nonnie and her patriotic hair.
She starts high school in the fall and can't wait.
This is Nina.
A sweet dog owned by the most obnoxious person I know.
I'm not exaggerating. At all.
Susie and Eric
Michael again
Most of the pics I was able to get of him were with a long range lens. He wasn't looking in my direction so I asked for someone to call his name. Doesn't look too happy, does he? ;)
He still has no idea I'm taking his photo.
They look like little army men on a zip line, don't they?
The other Chloe
Not sure how two cousins managed to both name their daughters Chloe
Nonnie makes a great older cousin,
jokingly feeding Michael his mac and cheese
farm stand I spotted while sitting in the car
Some of my friends have started calling me the "Paparazzi" due to the number of pictures I take. I'm still not too good at portraits, though, but I'm trying!
Some mates of mine have cousins named Taylor and Tayler. I don't get how it happens.
OK, I'm better now.
It's a shame it wasn't hotter on the 4th for that today..
PS..the clothes pins were great!
Oh and the clothespins! They are great!
Christi however picked the name out the day she found out she was preggers.. the girls were born2 months apart