Saturday, November 1, 2008

I had, quite honestly, the best Halloween in recent memory last night. I was invited to an actual costume party near my house. There are photos on my phone of the Ghostbusters, Beer Man, Michael Myers, The Queen of Hearts, and a homeless man, but I can't find the cord that makes posting those gems possible, so maybe later. ;)

In the meantime, here's a photo of my costume, which turned out just as I pictured....


Please ignore the clothes on the floor, I was in a hurry. ;) The stockings were a last minute addition, but they really made the outfit. Anyway, I had two engagements last night, which I will tell you about later, I have to go to work with a vague vodka headache right now, and I wanted to get this entry up for the first day of NaPoBloMo, National Blog Posting Month, 30 posts in 30 days. I did it last year and had fun, let me know if you're playing too, so I can friend you on the site. ;)


  1. Anonymous said...
    i'm in for nablopomo...and you looked freakin' adorable.
    Anonymous said...
    Yeah...A blog a day. I did it last year but I'm not this year.

    CUTE...Love the costume, can't wait for the story.

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